Special Editions

Zeichnungen, 2018
30,5 x 24,5 cm / 498 pages / edition of 30
495 images and a text (ge/en) by Hermann Nitsch about the development of drawings in his Ĺ“uvre. Special edition with original drawing: SOLD OUT
editor: Nitsch Foundation


HERMANN NITSCH – Orgien Mysterien Theater
Hongkong, 2014
31,5 x 25,5 cm / 146 pages / edition of 90
text about the Orgies Mysteries Theatre in english, german, french und chinese, with images from 5 decades. Fanfold supplement with a signed photograph of the 135th action and an original relic.
editor: CIA Hongkong in cooperation with Nitsch Foundation


Hymnen an die Nacht, 2013/14
50 x 35 cm / 40 pages / edition of 75
Novalis’ Hymns to the Night in the original version and a previously unpublished translation by Serena Dal Borgo on pure cotton paper by Amatruda di Amalfi. The first 40 editions are supplemented by a signed work on paper by Hermann Nitsch (size 48 x 33 cm).
editor: Colophon Arte