curriculum vitae
1938 | born in Vienna |
1957 | develops the idea of the orgien mysterien theatre, a six days long festival whose conception is based on the main artist philosophy and that has been developing till today. the o.m. theatre is a new form of a total work of art where reality is staged. all five senses of the participants are claimed. |
1960 | aktionen (action performances) and exhibitions take place in vienna, which result in several court trials and three prison terms. therefore he leaves austria and moves to germany where he lives till 1978. |
1962 | 1st “aktion” in vienna |
1966 | the destruction in art symposium (dias), london, 20th action, vienna |
1968 | cinématheque, new york, performance of the 25th and 26th action; university of cincinnati, 28th action, moves to bayern, germany, marriage in munich with beate könig |
1970 | other “aktionen” in new york, munich and cologne |
1971 | acquisition of prinzendorf castle (stage of the orgies mysteries theatre) |
1972 | participates at the documenta 5, kassel curated by harald szeemann; first 12-hour-action (40th action) at the mercer art center in new york |
1973 | founding of the “Verein zur Förderung des Orgien Mysterien Theaters” (association to support the o.m. theatre) |
1975 | the 24-hour 50th action is performed in prinzendorf (1st day and night of the 6-day-play) |
1977 | beate nitsch dies in a car accident |
1982 | participates again at the documenta 7, kassel |
1983 | exhibitions: stedelijk van abbemuseum, eindhoven, participation at the group show “der hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk”, museum moderner Kunst, Vienna |
1984 | 80th action: 3-days-play, prinzendorf; exhibition: galeria franz paludetto, torino; hermann nitsch starts working on his large print œuvre: “the architecture of the orgies mysteries theatre” published by Fred Jahn Galerie, Munich (1984-93) |
1986 | exhibitions: Sala Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Madrid; Rupertinum, Salzburg; Secession, Vienna; PAC, Milan; Renaissance Society at the University, Chicago; Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich |
1987 | 20th painting performance at the wiener secession, vienna; exhibition: villa pingatelli, naples |
1988 | marriage with rita leitenbor; exhibition: städtische galerie im lenbachhaus, munich; participates at the Sydney Biennale |
1989 | exhibitions: Museum des 20. Jahrunderts, Vienna; Kunstverein, Salzburg; Luhring & Augustine, New York. hermann nitsch teaches a class of interdisciplinary art at the Städelschule, the frankfurt academy of fine arts (until 2003 ) and regularly at Summeracademy in Salzburg. |
1990 | world premiere of the 8th symphony, museum für angewandte kunst, vienna; exhibitions: Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag; Museum der Moderne Salzburg; National Gallery Prague; Kunsthalle Krems; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin |
1991 | exhibitions: Galleria Civica di arte Contemporanea, Trient; St. Petri, Lübeck; Festspielhaus Bregenz; Traklhaus, Salzburg |
1992 | exhibition: pabellòn de las artes, expo sevilla |
1993 | exhibitions: national gallery, prague; Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen |
1994 | exhibitions: Kunsthalle, Krems; Raiffeisenhalle, Frankfurt; Casina Vanvitelliana, Fusaro (Naples); Kärntner Landesmuseum, Klagenfurt |
1995 | décor and contribution to the stage direction for the opera “hériodade” by jules massenet at the opera house, vienna, exhibitions: Künstlerhaus, Vienna; Trinitatiskirche, Cologne |
1996 | 96th action at vigna san martino, fondazione morra, naples; 38th painting performance, schömerhaus, klosterneuburg; exhibitions: museum moderner kunst stiftung wörlen, passau; palazzo delle esposizioni, rome; retrospective at Centre d’exposicions i documentació de l’Art Contemporani, Casa Solleric, Palma de Mallorca |
1997 | 40th painting performance, museum of the 20th century, Vienna exhibition, kunsthallen göteborg; Museé d’Art et d’Historie, Luxemburg; Neue Galerie, Linz; Kunstraum, Innsbruck |
1998 | “6-day-play” from the 3rd to 9th of august in prinzendorf; exhibitions: Kulturhaus, Weiz; participation in the group show “out of action” MOCA, Los Angeles; MAK, Vienna; MACBA, Barcelona; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; CD-Publication “Island Symphonie” (world premiere 1980) |
1999 | exhibition of relicts, relict installations and video documentation of the „100th action – 6-day-play“ at the museum moderner kunst, stiftung ludwig, palais liechtenstein, vienna and at the kiscelli museum, budapest; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin and at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, Bonn; concert performance of the music of the 6-days-play at Radiokulturhaus, Vienna |
2000 | video presentation in several venues “6-day-play” including los angeles, portikus, frankfurt and mönchengladbach. continous work on the O.M. Theatre and development of the painterly and theatric concept. exhibition: Palazzo Stelline, Milan |
2001 | set- and costume-design for the opera “satyagraha” by philip glass at the festspielhaus st. pölten; performance of the 107th action in prinzendorf; exhibitions: Österreichische Galerie Oberes Belvedere, Vienna; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin |
2002 | performance of the 110th lehraktion (teaching action) whitechapel art gallery, london; Ausstellungen: Fondazione Morra, Naples; Kulturhaus, Bruck an der Mur; Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna; Museum der Moderne, Salzburg |
2003 | retrospective at the essl museum, performance of the 115th action essl museum, klosterneuburg; exhibition: Traklhaus, Salzburg; organ-concerts in Frankfurt and Bad Ischl; premiere of the symphony Punta Campanella in Italy |
2004 | performance of the 120th action: 2-day-play, prinzendorf; exhibitions: Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna; MUMOK, Vienna; Brucknerhaus, Linz; Graphic Collection at Städelmuseum, Frankfurt; Mike Weiss Gallery, New York; Haus der Musik, Vienna; teaching: guest professor at University Vienna, Institute for Applied Theatre Studies |
2005 | performance of the 122th action burgtheater, vienna; exhibitions: “the triumph of painting”, saatchi & saatchi, london; station museum of contemporary art, Houston; Neue Galerie, Graz; Slought Foundation, Philadelphia; NÖ Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst, St. Pölten; MARCO, Mexico; award of the “grossen österreichischen staatspreis” and the golden medal of honor by the city of Vienna; stage design for the Ballet “Le Renard”, Staatoper, Vienna |
2006 | exhibitions: retrospective, martin-gropius bau, berlin; white space gallery Alexander Ochs, Bejing; Mike Weiss Gallery, New York; Galerie Yamamoto Gendai, Tokyo; talks: Akademie der bildenden Künste, Tirana; Kulturwochen, Frankfurt; Hudson Valley Center of Contemporary Art, New York; Sommerakademien: Bad Reichenhall; Hortus Niger, Halbenrain; Galerie Weihergut, Salzburg; special prize at Asolo Film Festival, prize of the Asociacion Espanola de Cristicos de Arte (AECA) at Arco Madrid; |
2007 | opening of the hermann nitsch museum in mistelbach, set- and costume-design for “szenen aus goethes faust” by robert schumann at the opera house zurich |
2008 | opening of the museo archivio laboratorio per le arti contemporee hermann nitsch napoli by fondazione morra with an o. m. theatre exhibition; exhibitions: 20th painting action in museum hermann nitsch mistelbach; consigment of the title of dr. h. c. from the university cluj, romania |
2009 | 56th painting performance in hermann nitsch museum, mistelbach, künstlerhaus, wien, publication of the book “das sein”, opening of the nitsch foundation, exhibitions: künstlerhaus, wien; kavernen, salzburg; de pont museum tilburg, holland, incubate festival in tilburg, holland, exhibition gam turin, exhibition dirimart istanbul; premiere of the “egyptian symphony”, hermann nitsch museum mistelbach |
2010 | masterpieces from the duerckheim collection, hermann nitsch museum, mistelbach; “personal structures. time-space-existence”, künstlerhaus bregenz; pentecost feast: 130th action, museum nitsch neaples; exhibition of drawings at the cabinet des dessins, musée d’art moderne, st. etienne; new museum installation, museum nitsch, naples; solo show, stella art foundation, moscow; conference, brixner symposium, brixen; smelling, nitsch foundation vienna; concert: nitsch quintett, musée d`art moderne, st. etienne |
2011 | group show, blood lines, mca denver; 60th painting action, mike weiss gallery, new york; obsession and intimacy: the body in contemporary austrian drawings – from alfred kubin to birgit jürgenssen, b&m theocharakis foundation for the fine arts and music, athens; 131th teaching action, leo könig inc., new york; group show, eroi, gam, turin; solo show, frühere werke aus der duerckheim collection, mzm, mistelbach; group show, personal structures, palazzo bembo, venedig; costumes and settings by hermann nitsch for saint francois d’assise by olivier messiaen, bayerische staatsoper münchen; solo show, hermann nitsch, leopold museum, vienna; organ concert, mozarteum, salzburg |
2012 | exhibitions: utopie gesamtkunstwerk im 21er haus, wien; levitikus, innsbruck/wien; kunstkulturkirche, frankfurt; thoman modern, innsbruck; 5 jahre hermann nitsch museum, mistelbach; explosion painting as action, moderna museet, stockholm; hermann nitsch personale im museum moderner kunst kärnten, klagenfurt; hermann nitsch: aus dem gesamtkunstwerk, galerie walker, schloss ebenau; in vivo hermann nitsch im centre pompidou, paris; galerie 422 margund lössl, gmunden; explosion painting as action; fondacio joan miro, barcelona; “a bigger splash: painting after performance art”, tate modern, london; performances: 135th action havanna, cuba; 64th painting performance at museo di arte moderna e contemporanea, mart rovereto; concerts: sinfonie for 100 pianists and 33 pianos and 1 synthesizer, tag der tausend finger / oö kulturquartier linz |
2013 | exhibitions: “sinne und sein – retrospektive”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; “world metamorphosis”, nitsch foundation, wien; “hermann nitsch”, studio morra / alnitak art agency, art berlin contemporary; “performance photography – 1960 to 1979”, nitsch foundation, vienna; group shows: “personal structures”, palazzo bembo, venice; “la perversión de lo clásico: anarquía de los relatos”, museo archeologico, cuba pavillon, 55th biennale venice; “flesh and blood”, museum on the seam, jerusalem; “faces past and present”, ernst museum, budapest; “seeing wagner”, k.u.k. post- and telegraphenamt vienna; “ernesto balducci and the ‘mass of the artists'”, fondazione ernesto balducci, palazzo medici ricardi, florence; “duetto per napoli” (attersee e nitsch), castel dell’ovo, naples; performances: 138th action (3-day-play), centraltheater leipzig; 140th action (teaching action), abc berlin; 66th painting action, istanbul contemporary; 141st action (teaching action), nitsch foundation vienna; lectures: universität leipzig, museum der bildenden künste leipzig; aec linz; concerts: streichquintett “1938”, nitsch foundation, vienna; “leipzig symphony” centraltheater, leipzig; “composition for organ”, jesuitenkirche, vienna; duetto per napoli (attersee/nitsch), teatrino di corte, naples; |
2014 | ausstellungen: “aktionsmalerei”, dirimart, istanbul; “new york 2011”, nitsch foundation, vienna; “arena – opere dell’opera”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; “malaktionismus”, museo nitsch, napoli; “das orgien mysterien theater”, danubiana meulensteen art museum, bratislava; “carne e luce”, fondazione ducci, rom; “hermann nitsch”, culture industries association, hong kong; “arbeiten auf papier”, nitsch foundation, vienna; gruppenausstellungen: “made in austria”, sammlung essl, klosterneuburg; “im dialog – wiener aktionismus”, mdm, salzburg; biennale di disegno, rimini; aktionen: 142. aktion, pfingstfest, schloss prinzendorf; 77. malaktion, galerie thoman, wien; vorträge: symposium “sinne und sein”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; aec, linz; konzerte: “selten gehörten musik”, theater casino zug und musikakademie basel. |
2015 | ausstellungen: “das o.m. theater”, zac palermo, “existenzfest. hermann nitsch und das theater”, theatermuseum wien, “12 arbeiten auf papier”, galerie thoman, innsbruck; gruppenausstellungen: “allegories & existence”, summerhall edinburgh, “schlaflos”, 21er haus – museum für zeitgenössische kunst, wien; “vienna for art’s sake”, winterpalais, wien; “mein körper ist das ereignis”, mumok, wien; aktionen: “eröffnungsaktion” theatermuseum wien; “pfingstfest”; vorträge: “griechische mythologie” nitsch/köhlmeier, nitsch museum, mistelbach; tierethik – im gespräch, vetart-kunstforum/nitsch museum, mistelbach; konzerte: “sinfónia für mexico city”, ex teresa arte actual, mexico; |
2016 | ausstellungen: “existenzfest. hermann nitsch und das theater”, museum villa stuck, münchen; “plakate aus 5 jahrzehnten”, daniel löwenbrück, berlin; “gemälde, zeichnungen, druckgrafik”, galerie fred jahn, münchen; “hermann nitsch. passion – auferstehung”, nitsch foundation, wien; “arena – opere dall’opera”, museo nitsch, naples; “rituale”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; “hermann nitsch”, galerie 422, gmunden; gruppenausstellungen: “crocifissi – kreuzigungen, francis bacon – hermann nitsch – concetto pozzati”, palazzo montanari, bologna; “körper, psyche und tabu”, mumok, wien; “closed universe? neue formen des wiener aktionismus in der heutigen kunst?”, galerie martinetz, köln; “synästhesieraum” dauerausstellung, sammlung friedrichshof, zurndorf; aktionen: “147. aktion”, museum villa stuck, münchen; “pfingstfest”, prinzendorf; vorträge: “psychoanalytische radiosendung”, radio orange; “hermann nitsch trifft … danielle spera”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; konzerte: “orgelkonzert berlin”, epiphanienkirche, berlin; “orgelkonzert brüssel”, begijnkerk, brüssel; “kammerkonzert zur 147. aktion”, museum villa stuck, münchen; “streichquartett”, nitsch foundation, wien |
2017 | ausstellungen: “hermann nitsch and his artistic pilgrimage”, um museum, bongdam uhwaseong korea; museum ciac foligno; iaga contemporary art, cluj; “hermann nitsch – da una collezione privata”, fondazione opera santa rita, prato; “hermann nitsch – das druckgrafische werk”, nitsch museum mistelbach; kunsthalle arlberg 1800, st. anton am arlberg; marc straus gallery new york; gruppenausstellungen: “psycho drawing. art brut und die 60er und 70er in österreich”, lentos kunstmuseum, linz; “gemischter satz. hermann nitsch und vroni schwegler”, verein für originalradierung, münchen; vorträge: “incontro con hermann nitsch”, auditorium della sala borsa, bologna; “i martedì critici”, art forum würth capena; “hermann nitsch trifft … karlheinz essl”, nitsch museum, mistelbach;”künstlergespräch mit valerian maly”, kunsthalle bern; aktionen: “pfingstfest”, prinzendorf; “150. aktion”, dark mofo festival, hobart/tasmanien; “151. aktion für den film wladimir majakowski”, prinzendorf; “151. aktion”, casa morra, neapel; konzerte: “traubenfleisch 2007-2017”, nitsch museum, mistelbach; “orgelkonzert”, marc straus gallery, new york; “orgelkonzert bern”, saint ghetto festival, heiliggeistkirche, bern; |
2018 | 155th action / action-symphony for the 80th birthday, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; Exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch – Life and Work”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “reliti 152 azione”, 10 Anni Museo Hermann Nitsch, Naples; “Hermann Nitsch – A monographic show in Hagen”, Osthaus Museum Hagen; “Hermann Nitsch” Solo Show, Marc Straus Gallery, Armory Show, New York; “Hermann Nitsch – The Orgies Mysteries Theatre”, Massimo de Carlo, London; “Hermann Nitsch”, Galerie RX, Paris; “Hermann Nitsch – To the concept of the Orgies Mysteries Theatre”, Kulturhaus Hinterzarten; “Hermann Nitsch 80”, Nitsch Foundation, Vienna; “Drawings 1957-2017”, Büro Weltausstellung, Vienna; “Hermann Nitsch 80”, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill and Galerie Kunst&Handel, Graz; Galerie 422, Gmunden; Group shows: “Double Lives”, mumok, Wien; “Intriguing Uncertainties”, Park View Museum, Singapur; Lectures: “Hermann Nitsch meets Robert C. Morgan”, Armory Show, New York; “Nitsch&Gelitin”, Massimo de Carlo, London; artist talk with Hermann Nitsch, Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin; “Hermann Nitsch – Matinée”, artist talk, Museum Niederösterreich, St. Pölten; workshop on the musik of the O.M. Theatre, Prof. Leopoldo Siano, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; Concerts: organ concert, mumok, Vienna |
2019 | Exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch – The total work of art”, Lechner Museum, Ingolstadt; “Hermann Nitsch – Rooms of Color”, Albertina, Wien; “Hermann Nitsch. Katharsis”, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua; “Hermann Nitsch”, Richard Koh Fine Art, Singapur; “Hermann Nitsch”, Marc Straus Gallery, New York; “Hermann Nitsch. Pittura, Fotografie, Disegni”, Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Mailand; “Hermann Nitsch – Life&Work”, The Culture Story, Singapore; Group shows: “Opéra Monde/Opéra Monde/Opera as the World – The quest for a total work of art”, Centre Pompidou, Metz; “Intriguing Uncertainties”, Park View Museum, Peking; “Disturbing Narrative”, Park View Museum, Singapore; “Dark Side”, Musja, Rome; “Ikonen”, Kunsthalle Bremen; 8. Internationale Biennale for Contemporary Art, New Tretjakov Gallery, Moscow; Concerts: organ concert, AngelicA Festival, Bologna; organ concert, Ars Electronica Festival, Stiftskirche St. Florian; “Albertina String Quartett”, Albertina, Vienna; “The music of the 6-day-play”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “Rarely heard music” (Attersee, Lüpertz, Nitsch, Rühm, Wiener) Belvedere21, Vienna; “Moscow Symphony”, New Tretjakov Gallery, Moskau; Lectures: “Nitsch meets Brus”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; |
2020 | 158th action, Museo Hermann Nitsch, Naples; exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch – New Works”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “Hermann Nitsch”, Galerie Bechter Kastowsky, Schaan; “rush of color”, Galerie Jahn Pfefferle, Munich; “The Shape of Color”, Galerie RX, Paris; “The Orgies Mysteries Theater”, Opera Gallery, Geneva; Group shows: “The Beginning. Art in Vienna from 1945 to 1980”, Albertina Modern; “Double Lifes”, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn; “Standing aside”, Gdansk City Gallery, Danzig; “Passion and Fervour. The Art of Powerful Emotions”, LWL Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster; “Casper David Friedrich / hermann Nitsch”, Albertinum, Dresden; concerts: “Moscow Symphony for String Orchestra”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; events: “Nitsch meets … Dr. Erwin Pröll”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; |
2021 | Painting Action “Valkyrie”, Bayreuth Festival; exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch – Bayreuth Walküre”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “Hermann Nitsch – Sinfonia Napoli”, Museo Hermann Nitsch, Naples; “Bayreuth Prelude”, Galerie RX, Paris; “Bayreuth Stories”, Galerie RX, New York; “Farbe als Material”, Burg Vischering, Lüdingshausen; “Hermann Nitsch. The Orgies Mysteries Theatre”, Museum of decorative Art and Design, Riga; “Hermann Nitsch. Mythos – Passion” works from the Sammlung Jaegers, Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg; “Hermann Nitsch. Bilder der 88. Malaktion”, Nitsch Foundation, Vienna; “Hermann Nitsc”, Galerie Jahn und Jahn, München; group shows: “Odore – L’art, L’Odeur, e le Sacré”, Galerie Pauline Pavec, Paris; “Resistance”, Maruani Mercier, Brüssel; “Tense Conditions”, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart; “Radical Austria. Everything is Architecture”, Design Museum Den Bosch, s’Hertogenbosch; “Passion”, Kunstmuseum Schloß Derneburg; “Costa/Nitsch. Il Viaggio nell’Ancestrale”, Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venezia; concert: „Weinviertel Symphony“, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; Others: “Orgelmysterium”, Domkirche St. Pölten; |
2022 | † Hermann Nitsch died on April 18, 2022 in the hospital of Mistelbach.
2022 | 160th action: The 6-Days-Play (2nd extended version) – 1st and 2nd day; exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch – Bayreuth Walküre”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “Hermann Nitsch, 20th painting action Secession”, Oficine 800, Venice; “Hermann Nitsch – Bayreuth Walkure e 158. action”, Museo Hermann Nitsch, Neapel; group shows: “Body images: intimacy – deconstruction – interaction”, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen; “Richard Gerstl. Inspiration – Legacy”, Kunsthaus Zug; |
2023 | 160th action: The 6-Days-Play (2nd extended version) – 3rd day; exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch. das 6-tage-spiel”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; “Hermann Nitsch. Selected Paintings”, Pace Gallery, New York; “Hermann Nitsch. Aktionsfotografie 1963-1984”, Westlicht, Vienna; “Hermann Nitsch. World of Colors”, Museum St. Peter a. d. Sperr, Wr. Neustadt; “Hermann Nitsch. Gesamtkunstwerk”, K&L Museum, Gwancheon; “Hermann Nitsch. Homage”, Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris; group shows: “Colossal. Painting on a grand scale“, Unteres Belvedere, Vienna; Concert: “The Music of Hermann Nitsch”, Musikerverein, Vienna; |
2024 | exhibitions: “Hermann Nitsch”, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg; “Hermann Nitsch. Zeichnungen”, Bruseum, Graz; “50 anni di amicizia 1974-2024”, Museo Hermann Nitsch, Neapel; “Hermann Nitsch. Tribute of Colors”, Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava; “Hermann Nitsch. Gesamtkunstwerk”, Stasys Museum, Panevėžys; group shows: “Was ist Wiener Aktionismus”, Wiener Aktionismus Museum, Vienna; “jorn-nitsch”, nitsch museum, Mistelbach; |
2025 | in preparation: 160th action: The 6-days-play (2nd extended version) – 4th to 6th day
artworks of Hermann Nitsch are part of the following museums and collections: MOMA, New York; Guggenheim Collection, New York; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Museum University of Yale; Walker Art Center, Mineapolis; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Busch-Reisinger Museum Harvard University, Cambridge; Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri; Richard Massey Foundation, New York; Hudson Valley Center For Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York; Tang, Saratoga Springs, New York; Station Museum of Contemporary Art Houston, Texas; Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; UM Museum, Gyeonggi-do; Tate Gallery, London; Musée Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Stedelijk Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Design Museum Den Bosch, s’Hertogenbosch; Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli; Gam, Turin; Museo di Capodimonte, Neapel; Museo Nitsch, Neapel; Galleria d´Arte Moderna, Bologna; MART, Rovereto; MAR – Museo d’arte Della Città Di Ravenna; Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf; Sammlung Jaegers, Dusseldorf; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Nationalgalerie Berlin; Lenbachhaus, München; Staatsgemäldesammlung Munich; Museum Brandhorst, Munich; Graphische Sammlung, Munich; Duerckheim Collection, Munich, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart; Kunsthalle Hamburg; Museum Neue Galerie, Saarbrücken; Albertinum, Dresden; Schloss Moorsbroich, Leverkusen; GfZK, Leipzig, Kunstmuseum Bern; Hall Art Foundation, Derneburg; Kunstmuseum Winterthur; MUMOK, Vienna; Albertina, Vienna; Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna; Leopold Museum, Vienna; Landessammlungen NÖ, St. Pölten; Lentos, Linz; Rupertinum, Salzburg; Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck; Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg; nitsch museum, Mistelbach |