action |
date 1960.11.18 |
location Vienna |
room/place Technical Museum |
Country at |
Duration |
action |
date 1961.3.10 |
location Vienna |
room/place Technical Museum |
Country at |
Duration |
action 3. painting action |
date 1961.4.25 |
location Vienna |
room/place Technical Museum |
Country at |
Duration |
action 4. painting action |
date 1961.7.12 |
location Vienna |
room/place Atelier Nitsch |
Country at |
Duration |
action 5. painting action |
date 1962.1.15 |
location Vienna |
room/place Atelier Nitsch |
Country at |
Duration |
action 6. painting action |
date 1962.2.5 |
location Vienna |
room/place Atelier Nitsch |
Country at |
Duration |
action 7. painting action |
date 1962.6.4 |
english translation will follow
Die Blutorgel
Frohner, Mühl und ich beschlossen, aus Protest gegen die Reaktionären Zustände der österreichischen Gegenwartskunst, eine demonstrationsausstellung zu veranstalten. Zu diesem Zweck begaben wir uns drei Tage in Klausur. Wir liessen uns drei Tage im Keller der Perinetgasse einmauern. ich versuchte für mein Projekt des O.M. Theaters zu werben, in dem ich ein 9 m langes und 2 m hohes Bild mit roter Farbe bemalte, mit Blut beschütetete und ein geschlachtetes, abgehäutetes, ausgeweidetes Schaf an der Wand es Kellerraumes verkehrt kreuzigte. Nach drei Tagen wurde die Mauer eingebrochen, das Publikum konnte die Ausstellung besichtigen. Ein Manifest, die “Blutorgel” wurde herausgegeben. Dieses Manifest ist der eigentliche Beginn des Wiener Aktionismus. Frohner, Mühl und ich schrieben programmatisch über die Zukunft unserer Arbeit. Ich umriss die Grundvorstellungen meines O.M. Theaters. der Psychologe Joseph Dvorak unterstütze uns bei dieser Aktion.
Ich wollte mit dem 9 m grossen Bild den Gedanken der Aktionsmalerei veranschaulichen. Das Mal- und Beschüttungsritual des O.M. Theaters sollte vorgeführt werden. Das sinnliche Erlebnisrituatl mit Substanzen und Flüssigkeiten wurde auf einer Fläche seismographiert. Der Ausbruch aus der Fläche, das Verlassen des Tafelbildes geschah durch das gekreuzigte Schaf.
location Vienna |
room/place Perinetgasse |
Country at |
Duration |
action 8. painting action |
date 1963.5.15 |
location Vienna |
room/place Atelier Nitsch |
Country at |
Duration |
action 9. painting action |
date 1974 |
location Diessen am Ammersee |
room/place Villa Romenthal |
Country de |
Duration |
action 10. painting action |
date 1974 |
location Diessen am Ammersee |
room/place Villa Romenthal |
Country de |
Duration |
action 11. painting action |
date 1977.4.29 |
part of the 54th action (lecture action)
location Naples |
room/place Studio Morra |
Country it |
Duration |
action 12. painting action |
date 1978.5.13 |
part of the 62nd action (lecture action)
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 13. painting action |
date 1981 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 14. painting action |
date 1982 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 15. painting action |
date 1983 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action |
date 1983 |
english translation will follow
die aktionsmalerei des o. m. theaters ist kein wiederaufleben der informellen kunst, sondern eine ständig vorhandene grundsätzliche struktur des o. m. theaters, welche zum grundexzess, zur zerreißung des GOTTESTIERES führt, offenbart sich zeitlos. die aktionsmalerei des o. m. theaters ereignet sich im raum spontan bei jeder aktion. im fall der neuen resultate wird die visuelle grammatik des o. m. theaters exempelhaft auf bildflächen gezeigt. zwanzig jahre habe ich im obigen sinn nicht mehr gemalt. ich beschäftige mich nur mehr mit der verwirklichung von aktionen, der erstellung von partituren und aufbereitung von aktionsrelikten. durch meine ausstellung in eindhoven wurden die räume von prinzendorf leer. eine starke lust überkam mich, alle wände und bodenflächen wieder zu bemalen. ich erlebte im heißen august dieses jahres viel freude beim beschütten, besudeln und bespritzen der flächen mit blutroter farbe. geschult durch die aktionen erreichte ich eine bei den früheren malereien nicht vorhandene unbekümmertheit, frische und spontaneität. eigentlich HABE ICH ALLES NUR VON OBEN BIS UNTEN BESCHÜTTET UND BESUDELT. (Plakat zur Ausstellung der 16. Malaktion 1983)
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 17. painting action |
date April 1984 |
location Turin |
room/place Galleria Franz Paludetto |
Country it |
Duration |
action 18.a painting action |
date March 1986 |
location Meran |
room/place Kunstverein |
Country it |
Duration |
action 18.b painting action |
date June 1986 |
location Naples |
room/place Casa Morra |
Country it |
Duration |
action 18. painting action |
date 1984.7.28 |
part of the 80th action (3-day-play), 2nd day
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 19.a painting action |
date January 1987 |
painting action for the magazine "Basta"
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 19. painting action |
date 1986.8.20 |
english translation will follow
freut euch, frohlockt und jubelt, weil die zeit erfüllt ist, dass ich mein gewand anziehe, das mir von anfang an bereitet ist. ich werde mein weisses gewand beflecken mit nassfeuchten, purpurtraubigen blutstropfen. ölige, fette, fruchtfleischrote blutstropfen und blutstinkende, feuchte schweissflecken tränken das garn des kleides. schweiss- und urinnass vom blut durchschwitzt ist mein winzerkleid. (Plakat zur Ausstellung der 19. Malaktion 1986)
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action |
date 1987.2.18 |
location Vienna |
room/place Secession |
Country at |
Duration |
action 21. painting action |
date April 1987 |
location Neapel |
room/place Studio Morra |
Country it |
Duration |
action 22. painting action |
date July 1987 |
location Graz |
room/place Galerie Hoschek |
Country at |
Duration |
action 23. painting action |
date August 1987 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 24. painting action |
date August 1987 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 25. painting action |
date September 1987 |
in the context of the exhibition "Meltem Oiron"
location Orion |
room/place Chateau d'Orion |
Country fr |
Duration |
action |
date May 1988 |
in the context of the 7th Biennale of Sydney "From the Southern Cross: A View of World Art" (May 18 - July 3, 1988)
location Sydney |
room/place Walsh Bay, Pier 2/3 |
Country au |
Duration |
action 27. painting action |
date July 1989 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 28. painting action |
date November 1989 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 29. painting action |
date July 1990 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 30. painting action |
date August 1991 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 10 days |
action 31. painting action |
date May 1992 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 2 weeks |
action 32. painting action |
date July 1992 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 6 weeks |
action 33. painting action |
date December 1993 |
location Modena |
room/place Galleria Cattelani |
Country it |
Duration |
action 34. painting action |
date April 1994 |
location Krems-Stein |
room/place Kunsthalle Krems |
Country at |
Duration |
action 35. painting action |
date July 1994 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 5 weeks |
action 36. painting action |
date June 1995 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 5 weeks |
action 37. painting action |
date 1995.10.8 |
in the context of the exhibition "Jahresmuseum"
location Mürzzuschlag |
room/place Kunsthaus |
Country at |
Duration 2 days |
action 38. painting action |
date October 1996 |
location Klosterneuburg |
room/place Schömerhaus |
Country at |
Duration 3 days |
action 39. painting action |
date July 1997 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action |
date 1997.10.31 |
(internal: "Requiem for my Mother")
location Vienna |
room/place Museum of the 21st Century (formerly Museum of the 20th Century) |
Country at |
Duration 10 days |
action 41. painting action |
date 1998.8.4 |
part of the 6-days-play 1998
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 42. painting action |
date February 1999 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 4 days |
action 43. painting action |
date 2000.8.1 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 44. painting action |
date 2001.7.16 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 45. painting action |
date 2002.7.15 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 46. painting action |
date 2003.8.4 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 47. painting action |
date 2004.5.17 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 48. painting action |
date July 2005 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 49. painting action |
date August 2006 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 50. painting action |
date February 2007 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 51. painting action |
date May 2007 |
location Mistelbach |
room/place nitsch museum (formerly: MZM Hermann Nitsch Museum) |
Country at |
Duration |
action 52. painting action |
date August 2007 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 4 weeks |
action 53. painting action |
date May 2008 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 54. painting action |
date August 2008 |
location Naples |
room/place Museo Archivio Laboratorio Hermann Nitsch |
Country it |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 55. painting action |
date January 2008 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 4 Wochen |
action |
date May 2009 |
location Mistelbach |
room/place nitsch museum (formerly: MZM Hermann Nitsch Museum) |
Country at |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 57. painting action |
date August 2009 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 2 weeks |
action 58. painting action |
date February 2010 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration 10 days |
action 59. painting action |
date July 2010 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 5 weeks |
action 60. painting action |
date February 2011 |
public days Febuary 16-17, 2011 (exhibition Feb 19 - March 19, 2011)
location New York City |
room/place Mike Weiss Gallery |
Country us |
Duration |
action 61. painting action |
date 2011.8.6 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 62. painting action |
date 2012.4.14 |
opening April 21, 2012
location Torrita Tiberina |
room/place Cappella Nitsch - Fondazione Mario & Maria Pia Serpone |
Country it |
Duration 7 days |
action 63. painting action |
date 2012.7.3 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 18 days |
action 64. painting action |
date 2012.10.6 |
location Rovereto |
room/place MART Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea |
Country it |
Duration 8 days |
action 65. painting action |
date 2013.7.31 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 22 days |
action 66. painting action |
date 2013.11.7 |
in the context of Contemporary Istanbul 2013 following an invitation by Dirimart
location Istanbul |
room/place Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Centre (ICEC) |
Country tr |
Duration 3 days |
action |
date 2013.11.16 |
in the context of "Im Rausch der Sinne ll"
location Mistelbach |
room/place nitsch museum |
Country at |
Duration 3 hours |
action 68. painting action |
date 2014.7.8 |
location Mistelbach |
room/place nitsch museum |
Country at |
Duration |
action 69. painting action |
date 2014.7.9 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 70. painting action |
date 2014.11.17 |
in the context of the Vienna Art Week 2014 following an invitation by Elisabeth and Klaus Thoman
location Vienna |
room/place Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman |
Country at |
Duration 3 days |
action 71. painting action |
date August 2015 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 72. painting action |
date December 2015 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |
action 73. painting action |
date February 2016 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |
action 74. painting action |
date August 2016 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration |
action 75. painting action |
date 2017.7.28 |
painting action for Livia and Marc Straus
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 4 days |
action 76. painting action |
date July 2017 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 4 weeks |
action 77. painting action |
date 2017.10.8 |
part of the 152. action
location Naples |
room/place Casa Morra |
Country it |
Duration 30 minutes |
action 78. painting action |
date February 2018 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 79. painting action |
date June 2018 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 6 weeks |
action 80. painting action |
date January 2019 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration 3 weeks |
action 81. painting action |
date 2019.7.24 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country AT |
Duration 6 weeks |
action 82. painting action |
date 2020.1.2 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration 10 weeks |
action 83. painting action |
date 2020.5.25 |
repainting of the front walls
location Mistelbach |
room/place nitsch museum |
Country at |
Duration |
action 84. painting action |
date 2020.6.18 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle |
Country at |
Duration 6 weeks |
action 85. painting action |
date 2020.9.11 |
location Naples |
room/place Museo Hermann Nitsch |
Country it |
Duration 3 days |
action 86. painting action |
date 2020.10.15 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |
action 87. painting action |
date 2021.3.20 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |
action 88. painting action |
date 2021.4.24 |
rehearsal for painting action "Walküre"
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf Castle, courtyard |
Country at |
Duration 3 hours |
action 89. painting action |
date 2021.6.10 |
painting action Walküre (rehearsal)
location Bayreuth |
room/place Bayreuther Festspiele |
Country de |
Duration 2 days |
action 90. painting action |
date 2021.6.18 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Schloss Prinzendorf |
Country at |
Duration |
action 91. painting action |
date 2021.7.23 |
painting action Walküre (general rehearsal)
location Bayreuth |
room/place Bayreuther Festspiele |
Country de |
Duration 215 minutes |
action 92. painting action |
date 2021.7.29 |
painting action Walküre premiere
location Bayreuth |
room/place Bayreuther Festspiele |
Country de |
Duration 215 minutes |
action 93. painting action |
date 2021.8.3 |
painting action Walküre l
location Bayreuth |
room/place Bayreuther Festspiele |
Country de |
Duration 215 minutes |
action 94. painting action |
date 2021.8.19 |
painting action Walküre ll
location Bayreuth |
room/place Bayreuther Festspiele |
Country de |
Duration 215 minutes |
action 95. painting action |
date 2021.9.15 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |
action 96. Malaktion |
date December 2021 |
location Prinzendorf |
room/place Prinzendorf castle - winter studio |
Country at |
Duration |